Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Interview Basics (Third in a Series of 12): Arrive Early

There is a saying that my dad used to say - "It is better to arrive two hours early than 1 minute late"

I have kept this advice, well not so much when I was younger, but as an adult I always try to arrive plenty of time in advance for any appointment.

As for the job interview, arriving early has many benefits.  Give yourself at least 15 - 30 minutes before the scheduled interview to arrive.  Expect the unexpected, such as, traffic delays or difficulty in finding the location.  In some office buildings, it could take 10 minutes or more from the entrance to the interview area.

Some benefits include, arriving early you have a chance to relax and focus on presenting yourself in the best way possible.  You also have a chance to look around and get a sense of the working environment.  You could also pick up a brochure or other reading materials related to the company.  Every little bit helps in this competitive job market.

If the unfortunate happens and you are going to be late, try to let the company know that you are running late.  If you are late by a few minutes, apologize, but don't go into too much detail - just gain your composure and begin your interview with confidence.

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